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  1. Bohetang Xiaoshu Herbst 2016

    Bohetang Xiaoshu Herbst 2016
    Bohetang Guhua Xiaoshu Bingcha is a genuine Bohetang from the autumn harvest 2016 from little tea trees in the tea tree jungle of Bohetang. The small trees are not yet 100 years old and have grown from seeds of the old tea trees. This being the autumn harvest from young trees, the tea is much more affordable than Gushu from old trees.

    Bohetang is a very remote tea-producing region in Yiwu, where an ancient tea garden with a very good biodiversity has been discovered a few years ago. The region is uninhabited and the closest village is a few hours hike away, the only way to get there. In this tea-jungle some 49 trees are growing (12m high and more) - one (no. 13) recently died. Besides, one finds 249 old beheaded (i.e. cut) trees and many small trees. Our Bohetang comes from the 249 cut old trees. This garden is protected by four families, bound together by four sisters, and the tea is only sold after these agreed to do so.
